job search

The Art of Networking: Interview with Robert Braathe



We chatted with Robert Braathe about the art of networking. We thought this topic would be helpful to students who have recently graduated and are working on finding their first full-time job. While job searching can be very stressful, having the right tools and strategy can make success easy.


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Robert Braathe is the founder of Braathe Enterprises, serving as a business trainer and leader of The Career Service Station, BEYourStart and TEMPO Business Training. Mr. Braathe received his MBA from Western Connecticut State University and his Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality from UMass. In addition, he has taken PhD level courses from The University at Albany and Northcentral University. After working in management positions with Walt Disney World, Gap and Apple, Mr. Braathe founded his company in October 2005. Mr. Braathe teaches at The College of St. Rose and several community colleges and private colleges in courses that include hospitality, management, marketing, and entrepreneurship.


What suggestions do you have for students who are academically strong, but struggling with networking? 


I think it starts with realizing there’s no such thing as a closed door. I know I would go to the career fairs and sometimes I would just go to tables that maybe were companies beyond my expertise. They might have been looking for somebody with more experience, but establishing rapport is important. I think a lot of people would look for any excuse to avoid people, but people are the key to networking.

There was one time there was a snowstorm on the day of a Career Fair. Despite the weather, I decided to show up. It took my friend, Jennifer, and I an hour to get there by car, but it was worth it. They told me: “Well, all the interview spots are full, but chances are, we’re gonna have some no shows.” It ended up that we were the only two people that showed up for interviews and we got the job. So I look for any excuse whatsoever to meet people, no matter the situation. Obviously, if you’re really not feeling well, don’t push yourself to socialize. But, giving yourself that little push to talk to others when you are nervous or unsure, is a necessary part of successful networking.

The other piece is to know your value. I’ve been labeled as an overachiever – in other words, I’m good at school, but not other things.I learned quickly to take that as – I’m not an overachiever, I’ve just been underestimated. By understanding that so much of success in life is about luck and that we are all just human, I understood that I deserved to have a conversation as much as the next person. I think overcoming the inner critic that says – “I’m not good enough. I’m not intelligent enough, I’m not attractive enough.” – is key to successful networking. Whatever the hang up might be for somebody, it really impresses people when you just walk up to them and say: “Hi, I’m Robert/I’m Lisa. I’m here to learn from you and see if if you’re a right fit for me, just like if I’m a right fit for you.” It is a two way street on the job hunt with networking. You can walk up to a lot of people who might not see value in you, but the next thing you know, just having that little sidebar conversation leads to a relationship and that blooms into a professional opportunity.


How to you overcome the inner critic before and during networking engagements?


 I always have a game plan. Before I’m even in the building hosting a networking event or on a Zoom call with a potential professional colleague, I think about what kinds of outcomes I am hoping to achieve. How many people do I want to have a good conversation with? I use the rule of 10 – can I have a conversation with one person that’s very valuable, and maybe a few others where I can follow up at a later date. Depending on the size of the group, you can multiply that, but set modest goals. For instance, if you go into a Career Fair, that has 30 companies, you can aim to have conversations with five, get information from 10, and then maybe chat with some other attendees or booth that seem interesting on your way out. Because you never know, that little table in the corner, that person who’s not speaking up a lot in a zoom call, chances are they’re just like you and they’re they’re wondering, why am I here today? And, and so having that plan is important.


What are key tips would you give someone starting to network for the first time?


One of my new favorite acronyms is C E LL. 1) Connect – have a conversation with as many people as you can. If you can have a virtual meeting or chat with three people a day, you’re meeting 1000 people a year. 2) Engage – try to reach out to the people. Maybe aim to reach out to 25 people a day. It sounds like a lot, but it can be a simple short message to start a conversation. Something like – how’s the semester going, things are great here would love to catch up some time, what’s new on your end. These can easily be copied and pasted and sent off to 25 people in a short period of time. 3) Linger – Get there early for events and stay late. Take the time to connect with as many folks as possible. 4) Learn – Focus on what you can learn from others and the networking process. By staying a little later, you might pick up on some juicy tidbits that weren’t accessible when there was a large crowd of people.


Recommended Books and Resources



Thank you, Robert, for sharing the excellent advice with us and our readers! 


Missed Podcast? Watch Video Here:





For more advice about writing, check out our weekly, podcast, videos, or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.


To get more help with your assignments, book a 20 minute discovery session with us and start your journey to reaching your full potential on the page, and in life.

Both the written, visual, audio, and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Finding a Job as COVID-19 Continues: Interview with Alif Huq

Last spring, we interviewed Alif on the challenges and opportunities facing young adults during COVID-19. We thought this topic would be relevant for students looking for summer jobs, as well as recent graduates attempting to enter the already competitive job market. As the pandemic continues, these tips continue to be relevant.


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Alif Huq is a digital marketing specialist and job hunting expert. Since the start of the pandemic, Alif has been offering specialized job hunting webinars and tips on social media. He has also helped numerous young adults to learn the art of marketing themselves online.


What kinds of challenges are you hearing about from young adults engaged in the job search process?


What I’ve noticed is that there’s a lot of hiring freezes. I have friends who work in the HR space where they probably had five interviews lined up. And unfortunately, due to COVID-19 and hiring freezes, those interviews were basically on pause or cancelled because companies are thinking more about how to sustain their budget and a new hire can be costly.


What pet peeves when it comes to people using social media ineffectively to get a job?


So my biggest pet peeve is when people ask “Can you refer me to a job?” or “Alif, do you know any job opportunities?” and I don’t even know them. Being on the receiving end of a lot of these messages does get very annoying, and it feels like I’m being used. Instead of saying, “I noticed there’s a company opening, here’s my resume”, the best way to establish trust and is to ideally get them on a phone call with you.


How can young adults, who do not have a lot of work experience, present themselves as capable professionals?


The first thing I would say is, you’ve got to develop a tangible skill set. The way I got hired into my first marketing assistant role, without any marketing experience, or even any connections or education was because I made a YouTube video where I was showcasing my copywriting skills. They saw that video of me and decided to onboard me for the role itself. For example, if you want to go into graphic design, instead of taking just a course on graphic design, you might want to actually create your own graphics and a portfolio. For digital marketing, instead of taking a Google Analytics course, you might want to start your own blog and experiment with SEO and paid advertisements.


Alif’s Book Recommendations


4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi


Thank you, Alif, for sharing the excellent advice with us and our readers! 


Missed the episode? Listen here:



For more advice about the job search process, check out our weekly podcast or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.


Both the written, visual, audio and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Finding a Job as COVID Continues: Podcast Episode Live!
PFAU 5 panel 2 300x295 Finding a Job as COVID Continues: Podcast Episode Live!


Last spring, we discussed the challenges of finding a job during a pandemic withcontent marketing specialist, Alif Huq. Unfortunately, we are still in a COVID lockdown, which is discouraging for new graduates. All hope is not lost though. Alif shares some tips with new grads to make the best use of this tricky time.




Job market changes during COIVD-19

How to stay motivated when job searching

Social media strategies and what not to do

The art of marketing yourself online





To get more help with your assignments, book a 20 minute consultation with us and start your journey to reaching your full potential on the page, and in life.

Both the written, visual, audio and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Finding Your Dream Career: Interview With Luki Danukarjanto

Luki Danukarjanto is the CEO of FOCUS.inspired, a unique business that focuses on helping individuals to find their professional passion. A number of our readers are likely graduating and headed into the workforce during a very tricky time. It can be hard to not get discouraged about your professional future during COVID, but if you know what you are passionate about it, it can help you to stay on track.

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Luki refers to himself as a career catalyst and “DJ” for professional development. Luki was a management consultant for 12 years before transitioning into career counselling in 2015. Since then, he has published a book, the SWIKE web series, and spoken at many schools about his passion for career development. 


What do you think is the greatest challenge for young adults as they develop their careers?


So my perspective is that there’s a lot of these kind of generalisations when people talk about young adults. Students and young adults go through school, they’re supposed to graduate they’re supposed to get a job they’re supposed to get married and have kids and moved to a house in the suburbs and and all that sort of stuff and then retire and have a good life. But that kind of supposed to and and that typical life trajectory is often not not true anymore. A lot of people who when they’re going through life, they actually have multiple career paths.


You developed the acronym SWIKE to inspire a lot of your work. What does that mean and where did that idea come from?


So I guess the start of writing the book was I had a colleague , who I used to work with who actually wrote a book. I’m like, oh, wow, that’s that’s amazing. I would have conversations over coffees with a lot of folks and it ended up being that a lot of the conversations were the same, right? So I figured, well, instead of me having to say all that stuff over and over again, why not just write a book. It was like 500 pages. And, I don’t know what this is. It’s like a reference manual. So, a friend in publishing helped me get in touch with with an editor. The whole concept of SWIKE came about where originally it was that the stuff you didn’t know you needed to know. So then SWIKE developed into the stuff I wish I knew earlier. It references my interest in mentorship.


How you advise students to be able to shift from the learning to pass the test mentality to one of mastery?


Yeah, I would say for them, it’s getting over that fear of failure, right? There’s a lot of judgement involved. And it goes back to kind of that conveyor belt of life. That you should be doing this. Oftentimes, others are not as critical as people think. Most people are afraid of people judging them and things like that. And I just had a conversation with someone with the perspective that fear is made up. It’s something that doesn’t really exist. One of the things is a lot of people misunderstand fear versus danger, right? Danger is real. But in terms of fear, like getting up in front of someone and doing a speech or presentation, well, that’s not going to kill you. Then once you’re past that, then you can just start learning and try to follow your your passions.


Luki’s Book Recommendations


Stuff I Wish I Knew Earlier: How to Unlock Your Career Potential by Luki Danukarjanto

Mindset by Carol Dweck

How to Be Everything by Emilie Wapnick

The Straight-A Conspiracy by Hunter Maats and Katie O’Brien


Thank you, Luki, for sharing the excellent advice with us and our readers! 


Missed the podcast? Listen here:



For more advice about professional development and writing, check out our weekly podcast or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.


To get more help with your assignments, book a 30 minute discovery session with us and start your journey to reaching your full potential on the page, and in life.

Both the written, visual, audio, and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Finding Your Dream Career: Podcast Episode Live!

PFAU 5 panel 5 300x300 Finding Your Dream Career: Podcast Episode Live!

We interview Luki Danukarjanto, CEO of FOCUS.inspired, on helping individuals to find their professional passion.


Stuff I Wish I Knew Earlier (SWIKE) from Luki’s book

Education system reform

Developing practical skills for the workforce

Challenges young adults face and how to overcome them

Advice for the graduating class of 2020



To get more help with professional development and writing, book a 20 minute discovery call with us and start your journey to reaching your full potential on the page, and in life.

Both the written, visual, audio, and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Careers in the Arts – Teaching: Interview with Andreia Florea

We interviewed Andreia Florea, a grade 1/2 teacher on finding a career in the arts as a recent graduate. We thought it would be helpful for students to hear about potential careers available to Bachelor of Arts graduates.

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Andreia is a grade 1/2 teacher, with 15 years of experience, 8 of which as a Special Education Teacher and school librarian. After working in the corporate world for 5 years, as a programmer, and then, consultant, she transitioned into teaching.


What do you think was the biggest difference you found between working in the corporate world and becoming a teacher?


In the corporate world there’s a lot more flexibility working from home, although funnily enough, we’re all working from home now because of the pandemic. With teaching, you have to have people skills because obviously, you need to have a passion and to connect with the kids. I think empathy is also a huge part. You’re modelling behaviour and I have to be super careful with what comes out of my mouth and because I’m influencing them.


What kind of transferable skills do you think students gain from a B.A.?


So many people kind of knock the arts degrees, which I actually don’t agree with at all, because I think they teach critical thinking skills. I always say my degree taught me to think because you’re reading so many different perspectives. That helped me in my life when I was doing my consulting job and then it helped me in teaching.


What kinds of qualities make for a good teacher?


The number one thing is you have to want to be a teacher. I find any kind of personality can be a teacher. I think you need a lot of patience just to deal with different learning styles and individual characters and such. You also need to be able to be flexible. In the classroom, you might plan a lesson and realize these kids aren’t even understanding what you’re saying. So you have to figure out a better way for them to learn it.


Do you have any advice for current students who want to pursue teaching?


I think a good way to actually dip your toe in would be to volunteer in a school. You’re networking, you’re making connections. So then, once you finish school, the principal or other teachers will remember you. You have to stay connected to the world even before you’re in it. Start to learn about it before you get there. Beyond the volunteering, read the newspaper, see what’s going on. There’s a lot of teachers on Twitter. Don’t be afraid to reach out, even to me for instance.


Thank you, Andreia, for sharing the excellent advice with us and our readers! 


Book Mentioned in the Episode


I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn’t) by Brené Brown


Missed the episode? Listen here:


For more advice about arts careers and student life, check out our weekly podcast or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Both the written, visual, audio, and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Careers in the Arts – Teaching: Podcast Episode Live!

PFAU 16 panel 4 2 300x300 Careers in the Arts   Teaching: Podcast Episode Live!

We discuss finding a career in the arts as a recent graduate with Andreia Florea, a grade 1/2 teacher, with 15 years of teaching experience.


Differences between a corporate and teaching career

Transferable skills students gain from a B.A.

Rewards and challenges of being a teacher

Advice for students interested in teaching



To get more help with your assignments, book a 20 minute consultation with us and start your journey to reaching your full potential on the page, and in life.

Both the written, visual, audio and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Finding a Job During COVID-19: Interview with Alif Huq

We interviewed Alif on the challenges and opportunities facing young adults during COVID-19. We thought this topic would be relevant for students looking for summer jobs, as well as recent graduates attempting to enter the already competitive job market.

MG 0902 683x1024 Finding a Job During COVID 19: Interview with Alif Huq

Alif Huq is a digital marketing specialist and job hunting expert. Since the start of the pandemic, Alif has been offering specialized job hunting webinars and tips on social media. He has also helped numerous young adults to learn the art of marketing themselves online.


What kinds of challenges are you hearing about from young adults engaged in the job search process?


What I’ve noticed is that there’s a lot of hiring freezes. I have friends who work in the HR space where they probably had five interviews lined up. And unfortunately, due to COVID-19 and hiring freezes, those interviews were basically on pause or cancelled because companies are thinking more about how to sustain their budget and a new hire can be costly.


What pet peeves when it comes to people using social media ineffectively to get a job?


So my biggest pet peeve is when people ask “Can you refer me to a job?” or “Alif, do you know any job opportunities?” and I don’t even know them. Being on the receiving end of a lot of these messages does get very annoying, and it feels like I’m being used. Instead of saying, “I noticed there’s a company opening, here’s my resume”, the best way to establish trust and is to ideally get them on a phone call with you.


How can young adults, who do not have a lot of work experience, present themselves as capable professionals?


The first thing I would say is, you’ve got to develop a tangible skill set. The way I got hired into my first marketing assistant role, without any marketing experience, or even any connections or education was because I made a YouTube video where I was showcasing my copywriting skills. They saw that video of me and decided to onboard me for the role itself. For example, if you want to go into graphic design, instead of taking just a course on graphic design, you might want to actually create your own graphics and a portfolio. For digital marketing, instead of taking a Google Analytics course, you might want to start your own blog and experiment with SEO and paid advertisements.


Alif’s Book Recommendations


4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi


Thank you, Alif, for sharing the excellent advice with us and our readers! 


Missed the episode? Listen here:


For more advice about the job search process, check out our weekly podcast or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Both the written, visual, audio and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Finding a Job During COVID-19: Podcast Episode Live!
PFAU 5 FINAL Dec 18 1024x205 Finding a Job During COVID 19: Podcast Episode Live!

We discuss the challenges of finding a job during a pandemic with job search expert and content marketing specialist, Alif Huq.


Job market changes during COIVD-19

How to stay motivated when job searching

Social media strategies and what not to do

The art of marketing yourself online



To get more help with your assignments, book a 20 minute consultation with us and start your journey to reaching your full potential on the page, and in life.

Both the written, visual, audio and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Graduating with a BA doesn’t mean you’ll end up a Barista

This intimate Career Conference hopes to impart practical skills and inspiration onto recent grads and current students who are entering the job market for the first time, or want to brush up on their job search skills.

Conference Schedule:
10:am to 11:45am – Resume Writing Workshop
11:00am to 11:45am – Dress for Success Workshop
12:00 noon to 1:00pm – VEGETARIAN LUNCH
1:00pm to 1:45pm – Mock Interview Practice
2:00pm to 3:30pm – Career Panel: BA Grads with meaningful employment
3:30pm to 4:00pm – Conference Debrief

Pay-what-you-can (recommended $8): to cover the cost of lunch

Register here or email us directly for more information.