
Finding a Job as COVID-19 Continues: Interview with Alif Huq

Last spring, we interviewed Alif on the challenges and opportunities facing young adults during COVID-19. We thought this topic would be relevant for students looking for summer jobs, as well as recent graduates attempting to enter the already competitive job market. As the pandemic continues, these tips continue to be relevant.


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Alif Huq is a digital marketing specialist and job hunting expert. Since the start of the pandemic, Alif has been offering specialized job hunting webinars and tips on social media. He has also helped numerous young adults to learn the art of marketing themselves online.


What kinds of challenges are you hearing about from young adults engaged in the job search process?


What I’ve noticed is that there’s a lot of hiring freezes. I have friends who work in the HR space where they probably had five interviews lined up. And unfortunately, due to COVID-19 and hiring freezes, those interviews were basically on pause or cancelled because companies are thinking more about how to sustain their budget and a new hire can be costly.


What pet peeves when it comes to people using social media ineffectively to get a job?


So my biggest pet peeve is when people ask “Can you refer me to a job?” or “Alif, do you know any job opportunities?” and I don’t even know them. Being on the receiving end of a lot of these messages does get very annoying, and it feels like I’m being used. Instead of saying, “I noticed there’s a company opening, here’s my resume”, the best way to establish trust and is to ideally get them on a phone call with you.


How can young adults, who do not have a lot of work experience, present themselves as capable professionals?


The first thing I would say is, you’ve got to develop a tangible skill set. The way I got hired into my first marketing assistant role, without any marketing experience, or even any connections or education was because I made a YouTube video where I was showcasing my copywriting skills. They saw that video of me and decided to onboard me for the role itself. For example, if you want to go into graphic design, instead of taking just a course on graphic design, you might want to actually create your own graphics and a portfolio. For digital marketing, instead of taking a Google Analytics course, you might want to start your own blog and experiment with SEO and paid advertisements.


Alif’s Book Recommendations


4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi


Thank you, Alif, for sharing the excellent advice with us and our readers! 


Missed the episode? Listen here:



For more advice about the job search process, check out our weekly podcast or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.


Both the written, visual, audio and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Finding a Job as COVID Continues: Podcast Episode Live!
PFAU 5 panel 2 300x295 Finding a Job as COVID Continues: Podcast Episode Live!


Last spring, we discussed the challenges of finding a job during a pandemic withcontent marketing specialist, Alif Huq. Unfortunately, we are still in a COVID lockdown, which is discouraging for new graduates. All hope is not lost though. Alif shares some tips with new grads to make the best use of this tricky time.




Job market changes during COIVD-19

How to stay motivated when job searching

Social media strategies and what not to do

The art of marketing yourself online





To get more help with your assignments, book a 20 minute consultation with us and start your journey to reaching your full potential on the page, and in life.

Both the written, visual, audio and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Finding a Job During COVID-19: Interview with Alif Huq

We interviewed Alif on the challenges and opportunities facing young adults during COVID-19. We thought this topic would be relevant for students looking for summer jobs, as well as recent graduates attempting to enter the already competitive job market.

MG 0902 683x1024 Finding a Job During COVID 19: Interview with Alif Huq

Alif Huq is a digital marketing specialist and job hunting expert. Since the start of the pandemic, Alif has been offering specialized job hunting webinars and tips on social media. He has also helped numerous young adults to learn the art of marketing themselves online.


What kinds of challenges are you hearing about from young adults engaged in the job search process?


What I’ve noticed is that there’s a lot of hiring freezes. I have friends who work in the HR space where they probably had five interviews lined up. And unfortunately, due to COVID-19 and hiring freezes, those interviews were basically on pause or cancelled because companies are thinking more about how to sustain their budget and a new hire can be costly.


What pet peeves when it comes to people using social media ineffectively to get a job?


So my biggest pet peeve is when people ask “Can you refer me to a job?” or “Alif, do you know any job opportunities?” and I don’t even know them. Being on the receiving end of a lot of these messages does get very annoying, and it feels like I’m being used. Instead of saying, “I noticed there’s a company opening, here’s my resume”, the best way to establish trust and is to ideally get them on a phone call with you.


How can young adults, who do not have a lot of work experience, present themselves as capable professionals?


The first thing I would say is, you’ve got to develop a tangible skill set. The way I got hired into my first marketing assistant role, without any marketing experience, or even any connections or education was because I made a YouTube video where I was showcasing my copywriting skills. They saw that video of me and decided to onboard me for the role itself. For example, if you want to go into graphic design, instead of taking just a course on graphic design, you might want to actually create your own graphics and a portfolio. For digital marketing, instead of taking a Google Analytics course, you might want to start your own blog and experiment with SEO and paid advertisements.


Alif’s Book Recommendations


4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi


Thank you, Alif, for sharing the excellent advice with us and our readers! 


Missed the episode? Listen here:


For more advice about the job search process, check out our weekly podcast or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Both the written, visual, audio and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Finding a Job During COVID-19: Podcast Episode Live!
PFAU 5 FINAL Dec 18 1024x205 Finding a Job During COVID 19: Podcast Episode Live!

We discuss the challenges of finding a job during a pandemic with job search expert and content marketing specialist, Alif Huq.


Job market changes during COIVD-19

How to stay motivated when job searching

Social media strategies and what not to do

The art of marketing yourself online



To get more help with your assignments, book a 20 minute consultation with us and start your journey to reaching your full potential on the page, and in life.

Both the written, visual, audio and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Creating your Virtual Study Space: Interview with Rob Cairns

We interviewed Rob Cairns on how to create an efficient virtual study space. We thought this would be helpful since most people are now studying and working from home. 


Robert Cairns 1 1 971x1024 Creating your Virtual Study Space: Interview with Rob Cairns

Robert Cairns is the CEO of StunningDigitalMarketing, a Toronto-based Digital Marketing firm that serves clients from a variety of sectors about creating an organized and efficient virtual study space. With over 25 years of experience in the technology field, Rob is an expert at using technology to optimize organizational operations and productivity. 


What are some of the challenges studying from home might pose?


The biggest problem I see students have is that they get distracted. They don’t cope well with interruptions and they don’t teach the people around them, their family members or friends, that studying from home doesn’t mean they’re available.


Could you share some lessons you’ve learned while running your business from home that could apply to students staying organized and focused?


The first one is the night before your day. Set yourself up and get your desk ready. Then when you get up in the morning, stick to the same routine. The other key is to make sure you still take proper breaks. So I typically take a get out of my chair every two hours, whether I need it or not. I manage my day with my calendar and colour code my day, depending on what I have going on. I actually put the time in my calendar, not just for calls with clients, but for actual items and things I have to do.


How can technology help a student studying at home to create a daily routine and efficient workflow?


A couple of things. One, Google calendar to manage it. I put my daily tasks in a programme called Google Keep, which is Google’s note-taking pattern. I just tend not to use an elaborate to-do list. I manage all my project stuff in Trello, which is a project management visual package that a lot of people use. So I use a variety of things and believe it or not, when I’m working on hard tasks, I use an old fashioned egg timer just to count down tasks. I’ll set a timer for 15 minutes and then if I’m doing well, I’ll reset that timer for another 15 minutes. 


What are the benefits and drawbacks of storing documents locally versus on the cloud?


Okay, so for storing stuff on the cloud, you have to choose the service that you trust most. I would tell most people that if you stick with the big services, they do a pretty good job. The problem is storing stuff on a local hard drive. If something happens to the hard drive or the machine dies, then you lose everything. So either way, you should keep a backup of those important essays and those important papers, because things do happen.


If you had to choose three applications that you could not live without, what would they be? 


Okay, the first one for me is Google Calendar. The second one for me is Zoom. I’m kind of lost without that because it lets me stay in touch with people. Then, the third one is probably Trello. 


Thank you, Rob, for sharing the excellent advice with us and our readers! 


Book Mentioned in the Episode


You are Awesome by Neil Pasricha


For more advice about the application process, check out our weekly podcast or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Both the written, visual, audio, and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.