
The Art of Poetry and Creative Writing: Interview with Christie Wong

We interviewed Christie Wong, the Creative Writing Instructor and Coach at PFAU: Academic Writing, about her experiences with poetry. Many people are intimidated by poetry, perhaps because they were forced to read it in high school. However, poetry is the simplest form of expression that anyone can do.

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Christie specializes in teaching creative writing, with a focus on poetry. Born in Hong Kong and raised in Toronto, Christie has travelled and lived in many countries, including Rwanda, Hong Kong, Central America, and the US. She uses her diverse educational experiences to help students from a variety of backgrounds.


What are some of your favourite styles?


I’m definitely one of those freeform people. I think this is pretty cliche, but I learned to appreciate the sonnet. It’s one of the more really complicated ones to write, but I really love the way the phrasing happens when you read it out loud. It just makes it takes meaning to another level. This is why like people don’t talk like Shakespeare anymore, but if it did, I think we would understand each other’s emotional complexities so much more.


How did some of your experiences help you as a teacher?


Yeah, my teaching background was pretty diverse. I started out as in a camp counsellor position at summer camps. And that taught me a lot of really great ways of facilitating in a simple manner. And then I transitioned into working with a group of women of different abilities. They all have different levels of learning disabilities. So a lot of them would be l be 20 something but their reading level would be grade two. I also trained to be a behavioural therapist, and I did that for about a year. So that was a really different way of teaching as well.


What are some of your favourite aspects of teaching poetry and creative writing?


My favourite parts, especially with adults, I think are the moments when they finally let their guard down. They’re like, “Oh, I can’t do this” because of some history or experience that they’ve reinforced in their own narrative. It takes a lot of loving and a lot of caring, to get them to think outside of that and start being curious about their own thoughts. With kids, they’re in a way, a lot easier, because they don’t have those things. They’re just ready to try any challenge.


What sorts of resources would you recommend for people who want to learn more about poetry?


It depends on how you learn. You got to always think about learning in relation to how you like to learn to set yourself up for success. There are a lot of resources like the Poetry Foundation, you can subscribe to daily, poetry in your email inbox. Otherwise, pick up a poetry book that looks interesting to you and just start reading one or two poems. If you want to keep continuing and learn more, I recommend picking up some books on writing, just to learn how to think about things or just be given suggestions. At the end of the day, your thoughts or poetry requires originality.


Christie’s Book and Resource Recommendations


The Artists Way by Julia Cameron

A Different Booklist – Bookstore


Thank you, Christie, for sharing the excellent advice with us and our readers! 

Scroll through our course calendar & sign up for Christie’s next poetry class here


Missed the podcast? Listen here:



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Both the written, visual, audio, and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

The Art of Poetry and Creative Writing: Podcast Episode Live!

Pfau pfau poetry The Art of Poetry and Creative Writing: Podcast Episode Live!

We interview Christie Wong, Creative Writing Instructor and Coach at PFAU Academic Writing, about the importance of creative expression, through writing.


Poetry content and styles

How to incorporate poetry into daily life

Resources for improving poetry writing

Information about her upcoming poetry course



Scroll through our course calendar & sign up for Christie’s next poetry class here


To get more help with writing, book a 30 minute disovery session with us and start your journey to reaching your full potential on the page, and in life.

Both the written, visual, audio, and audiovisual content of this post has been created by and is the intellectual property of Lisa Pfau and PFAU Academic Writing. Please do not replicate any of the above content without our consent. However, please do feel free to share this post and its authorship widely.

Improve your Communication Skills by Engaging with Poetry

Most people think of poetry as an abstract art form reserved for only the most accomplished literary masters, but that is not the case at all. Poetry is one of the most accessible written forms. It is around us everyday in in our thoughts, snippets of text, broken conversations, and of course, song lyrics. Whenever you put your headphones on, you are listening to poetry. Can you decipher the meaning behind the lyrics? Do you enjoy what you’re hearing? YES! Otherwise, you wouldn’t listen to it.

foundpoetry 768x1024 Improve your Communication Skills by Engaging with Poetry

Anyone can write a poem. Poetry is both an art form that has fluid flexibility and rigid structure. You can decide what kind of poet you want to be, or use a combination of different forms depending on what you prefer. The best part about poetry, unlike a research essay, is that there is no right or wrong way to do it. As someone who spends her days editing and “correcting” other people’s work, I find poetry liberating. It allows thoughts, feelings, and words to flow out of my brain through my pen onto the page. I don’t need to worry about making a mistake. I don’t need to hold back my intensity. I can just put it all on the page and let it sit there to digest.

BeCreative Improve your Communication Skills by Engaging with Poetry

Practicing poetry helps me to clear my head, release my emotions, and generate creative thoughts. When I was starting a research paper, I would sometimes make up a little rap on the topic to release some of my stress. Through that process I would no doubt also generate some ideas as to how to start my paper and have released enough tension to be able to put those thoughts down on the page. Poetry is a wonderful practice to help to improve your overall communication skills and confidence. The more you do it, the more easily you can combat writers block or being tongue tied and respond in the moment. So, rather than buy into the literary mumbo jumbo, why not give it a try?

collageprompt Improve your Communication Skills by Engaging with Poetry

Join us on Saturdays from 3:00pm to 4:30pm for a poetry workshop with Christie Wong, which explores various forms, techniques, genres, and methods of tapping into your creative selves. It is a wonderfully inspiring, yet practical class that provides you with information and exercises to improve your writing practices outside of the classroom.

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Poet, artist, and teacher: Christie Wong

For more information, go to our events page. For daily tips and inspiration, follow us on social media – @pfau_academicwriting (links on headers and footers of the page). We look forward to helping you to reach your full potential on the page, and in life.

Student Writing Sample: Bird Fact Poem


Birds are loyal, creative and smart;

They find straw ,grass and mud;

When they are aggressive they dart to one of your body part;

Then the eggs are safe in a nest like they are in a big flower bud;

When the eggs hatch they hunt for a delicious lunch.

Student Writing Sample: Moon’s Tour

download 300x127 Student Writing Sample: Moon’s Tour

It’s is a place full of craters and very dusty  

hard and bumpy like iron Meteorites

low gravity like you are on outer space

then if you liked moon rock then go to moon

it was made of rock like meteors and

there is boot prints  and if you fell into a hole,

these holes will lead you to a dead end.

cracked and withered with rocks.

it’s born from dust to rocks then  to moon.

if it was clear then we can see stuffs