
Starting a Non-Profit: Podcast Episode Live!
Screen Shot 2021 04 25 at 9.34.10 PM 300x292 Starting a Non Profit: Podcast Episode Live!

We interview Megan Kee, the founder of 20/20 Arts, a non-profit organization dedicated to the production of innovative art projects that raise awareness, visibility, and fund for charitable organizations about Starting a Non-Profit. This week’s episode is part of our Careers in the Arts series, where we talk to young professionals with Fine Arts or Liberal Arts degrees, who have established themselves in an interesting and fulfilling profession. Deciding what to do after university, especially with a degree like a Bachelor of Arts that is often general and does not prepare you for any specific profession, can be daunting. What most students don’t realize though is that your Arts degree has provided you with a variety of transferable skills, such as critical thinking, research, organization, and communication that can be applied to a number of different professions. We hope that through these interviews students will feel less overwhelmed and hopeful about their career options.



Path of discovery towards career goals

How does education help with building skills and confidence

Advice for young adults on careers in the Arts

Strategies for work-life balance




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