Professional development

Professional Development Services Available:

Personalized Coaching, Resume & Cover Letter Editing, Personal Growth & Communications Courses

According to Time Magazine, professionals who receive one to four promotions make 45% less grammatical errors than their colleagues. Even fields that are often not associated with excellent verbal and written communication, such as Computer Science and Engineering, judge employees based on their proper use of the English language. A Google CEO was quoted in the Harvard Business Review as saying: “if you don’t know the difference between its and it’s, HR may begin to wonder what else you don’t know”. In other words, as my mother often said: “it doesn’t matter how smart you are, if no one can understand you.” Therefore, it is essential to fine-tune one’s communication skills from adolescence throughout one’s academic and professional career.

Fortunately, PFAU can help you reach your full potential on the page, and in life!

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Personalized Coaching

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Personalized Coaching is designed to help each client to improve his/her individual confidence in both written and verbal communication. These lessons are specially designed for both ESL and native speakers in order to improve the client’s grammar, vocabulary, structure, clarity, flow and overall understanding and comfort with the English language. These lessons are designed not only to improve the technical aspects of communication, but also to understand the literary, historical, and cultural context of Western communication. Clients advance from awkwardness and insecurity to natural proficiency and confidence.



Ken W

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Lisa is an experienced and professional tutor in academic writing/editing. I was able to achieve my goals with Lisa’s help during my last two years in U of T. Lisa is also an excellent and resourceful career coach. She helped me with resume and cover letter writing, and provided great advice and prep for interviews. Lisa really cares and supports her students, I would highly recommend her to anyone who struggles in academic writing or needs career counselling.

Resume & Cover Letter Editing

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Pfau provides resume & cover letter editing to help recent grads and young professionals to highlight their specialized skills and knowledge in order to obtain fulfilling and meaningful work. We help clients to develop a master resume that outlines their full work history, as well as how to tailor their experiences to specific job offers. We also work with clients to develop cover letter templates that can be used for multiple job applications.

Yunfan X

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Got big help from Lisa for my resume. Her experience for resume writing is really good. She help me to catch the key points for my past experience and put that in to my resume with great words. I would like to say “big big thank” for her and if anyone need the tutor for his/ her resume, cover letter and interview, Lisa should be the first one whom need to contact.

Writing Courses

Courses in creative writing, academic writing, and application writing are designed to provide students of all ages with opportunities to read, think, and create that may not exist within the contemporary education system or professional environment, as well as to improve overall analytical and composition skills.

Previous course listings include: 

  • Creative Writing for Non-Writers
  • Imagining You: Writing through Reflection
  • Poetic Expression: The Inherent Creative Soul
  • Research Essay Writing Fundamentals
  • Essay Writing Fundamentals
  • Job Interview Workshop
  • Grad School Application Workshop
  • Grad School Writing Workshop
  • Resume Writing Workshop
  • Public Speaking Workshop Series


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Student Writing Sample: Bird Fact Poem
  Birds are loyal, creative and smart; They find straw ,grass and mud; When they are aggressive they dart to one of your body part; Then the eggs are safe […]
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Student Writing Sample: Moon’s Tour
It’s is a place full of craters and very dusty   hard and bumpy like iron Meteorites low gravity like you are on outer space then if you liked moon […]