Application Support

Application Support Available:

Personalized Coaching, Application Editing, Application Writing Workshops

Part of the educational and professional process is applying for academic and professional opportunities. This process requires not only preparing one’s credentials, but also knowing how choose the option that best aligns with one’s capacity and future goals. Once one knows what one wants, it is important to be able to communicate those goals in a manner that highlights one’s skills and abilities to the audience. PFAU can help you to figure out where you want to go and how to get there.

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Application Support

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PFAU provides application support for high school students applying to postsecondary school, post-secondary students applying for graduate and professional programs, and graduate students applying for grants and scholarships. PFAU assists clients to understand the requirements and expectations of the institution they are applying to, identity and highlight their own strengths, and communicate in a creative and effective manner that makes their application float to the top of the pile.

Emma D., B.A., University of Western Ontario (Communications & Media)

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I would highly recommend Lisa to anyone looking for assistance with graduate school applications! Lisa helped me tremendously with my essays, resumes, and cover letters, and also provided insightful advice regarding how to approach alumni, recruiters, etc. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Lisa as she is extremely personable, easy to approach, and genuinely cares about her students! I am happy to say I got accepted to my top Business School of choice because of her help! I am confident she can help other students get into their top graduate school as well.

Application Editing

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PFAU provides application editing to help high school, post-secondary, and graduate students present compelling, concise, and creative application content. We ensure client applications meet all requirements, such as: relevant content, appropriate word count, and proofread text.






Arm Tungnirun, Harvard (L.L.M.) & Chulalongkorn University (Law Professor)

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I have had the pleasure of knowing Lisa since 2004, when we were classmates at Peking University. She has always been a helpful friend and teacher.  After leaving China, she helped me with my successful application to the summer school of the London School of Economics. Several years later, when I applied for an LL.M. program in the United States, Lisa read through my application materials and personal statement and gave me invaluable feedback. Her suggestions on content were professional, honest and straightforward.  It was a tremendous help and allowed me to reshape my statement into a more persuasive and effective one. Lisa has provided special help related to the use of the English language, including editing my writing and providing comments on my choices of words and style. I will always be grateful to have her as my research and writing advisor.  She has done this job better than anyone I have known so far, due to her deep understanding of the application process and writing requirement of American universities.

Writing Workshops

Courses in creative writing, academic writing, and application writing are designed to provide students of all ages with opportunities to read, think, and create that may not exist within the contemporary education system or professional environment, as well as to improve overall analytical and composition skills.

Previous course listings include: 

  • Creative Writing for Non-Writers
  • Imagining You: Writing through Reflection
  • Poetic Expression: The Inherent Creative Soul
  • Research Essay Writing Fundamentals
  • Essay Writing Fundamentals
  • Job Interview Workshop
  • Grad School Application Workshop
  • Grad School Writing Workshop
  • Resume Writing Workshop
  • Public Speaking Workshop Series


pictures 4 Application Support
EDITING SAMPLE – Grad School Application
Grad School Personal Statement Excerpt – First Draft Since I left my native country Peru, I have seen the many difficulties my family and others have lived through in order […]