About us

Helping you to reach your full potential on the page!

PFAU trains young adults and professionals in the written and oral communication and critical thinking skills that are necessary to succeed academically and professionally in the Canadian and international environment. We specialize in providing academic support to high school, post-secondary, and graduate students studying the Social Sciences and Humanities, as well as Science and Engineering students seeking editing or training to improve their communication skills. This support includes academic tutoring, application support, and professional development.

Our teaching style is a combination of academic rigor and emotional sensitivity and support. All of our staff have excellent academic and professional credentials, combined with high levels of empathy, compassion, and dedication for creating a personalized and supportive educational experience. Each client is not a number, but a person, with individual aspirations, challenges, and learning style. We are dedicated to providing each client with the appropriate tools and supports required to maximize their educational experience and soar to new heights.  


PFAU’s services are aimed at providing academic, communication, and life skills development to young adults and mature students who need extra support making the transition from high school to post-secondary school, into and through their post-secondary education, and eventually into the professional world. Our services fill the gap that exists within the current educational system in terms of academic, social, and practical support and knowledge.

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